Sunday, May 23, 2010

Happy Little Bedroom Chair

I know it's been awhile but I actually have a part time job now (so perhaps I should change the title from unemployed to under-employed...) so I don't have quite as much time to spend on this stuff. I recently finished covering an awful orange striped, cat ripped chair in our bedroom. I about bought out the phoenix area's supply of this blue and brown polka dot fabric, but luckily it was enough plus a little more that I'm going to use to cover a couple of the pillows on our bed (those ones with beads hanging off them that Harrison loves to pull off and try to eat and choke on).

Here it is

This project definitely taught me the difference between "covering" a chair and "re-upholstering" which is a much longer and more tedious process and cannot be accomplished with just fabric, hot glue, and a staple version definitely looks more slipcovered...but, I'll take it :)

now--as soon as I stain the furniture a darker shade and paint the walls blue we might have something resembling a color scheme going on here--yee haw.

I'm also happy to report that the banister makeover is FINALLY ALMOST to follow soon (I hope)

1 comment:

  1. i LOVE it. I think that fabric is hot! Two thumbs up can't wait to see the whole ensemble1
