Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My Blog

I've been busy every day of my life since I was sixteen. REALLY busy. I was always the girl who took on far far FAR too much. Job, school, two jobs and school, internships, externships, school, job that required 12 hours a day, pregnant with a job and school, baby and school, baby and studying for the bar....and now...

I have no job (ok sort of a job but it has required nothing of me for over a month and will require a few hours tomorrow and pretty much that's it).

I have no school.

I have a baby that is now mobile and can play by himself (and by "play" of course I mean go find cords and little pieces of dirt and cat hair and put them in his mouth). He also naps for about four hours a day. And is asleep by 7:30.

I've been trying to find a job but have struck out so far. Maybe it's the economy. Maybe it's the fact that I'm hesitant to apply for just anything because of the little person I would have to leave to go out in the world and work. Maybe it's because I didn't study enough during law school(see paragraph #1) to get the kind of grades that will guarantee you a job...whatever...point is that for the first time in a LONG time I have time on my hands. I know everyone thinks they would be so happy with some free time on their hands--this is something we ALL want right??? well, yes...until it happens.

As I struggle to accept my new (albeit temporary.......maybe...) situation I've found that I need to really really make goals and plan things to do or I start to go a little nuts. I become a crazy person who drinks far too much diet coke and spends far too much money in an effort to just get out of the house. So I'm starting this blog to document some of the projects I'm working on. It's for me--it's a way for me to be accountable for what I'm doing. To tell myself that although I have far too many student loans to not be making a monetary contribution to my family there are some things I CAN do.


  1. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this. You are amazing and I can't imagine doing these things all at the same time. Although I can totally see your point of view, I did this same thing after Colby got into law school and I was officially not working full time anymore, and had two kids. . . A routine all my own with my little people. It's an adjustment that was crazy after being way way way busy. You will be employed so soon. I love the way you express your concerns!

  2. awww rachel you're so sweet!! we sure do miss you guys!! I hope you're loving alaska!!
